Sunday, September 1, 2013

update | new adult overload

My brain is in the gutter! Is it just me or does that line from David Guetta song "Play Hard" have a New Adult vibe? I hear it and automatically hear it being said by a NA guy. And I love it all that much more! I have been on a new adult kick, no thanks to Amazon, their $0.99 - $2.99 prices, and my Kindle app that is with me everywhere. I always get Amazon gift cards from my credit card reward points, and having a continuous balance on my Amazon account is turning out to be dangerous! Trying to throw my YA books back into the tbr pile. Very excited about Deception (Defiance #2) and Crown of Midnight (Throne of Glass #2) that came out this week.

Deception Cover Crown of Midnight Cover
So, I've been a little absent lately from the blog. I recently bought an old house (circa 1950). My spare time has been filled with (major) demolition and renovation. I'm really looking forward to the finished project, hopefully moving in around November. I do keep my Instagram updated with all the latest renovation photos, if interested. Secondly, at work I'm coming off a brand-new/relauched webstore. So, while I was reading in this little hiatus, the thought of sitting down in front of a computer for another second had me fit to be tied. But the site is pretty much up and running smoothly, and I'm back to blogging!

Stay tuned for some great upcoming YA and NA book reviews!

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